QUT's virtual classroom to improve understanding of energy efficiency Friday, 04 December 2015

Technology will help the next generation of engineers gain a better understanding of energy efficiency, with Queensland University of Technology launching a “virtual classroom” along with a web-based package of learning resources for engineering lecturers and their students.

The new cloud-based Energy Efficiency Education Resources for Engineering (EEERE) were launched at the University’s Gardens Point campus in Brisbane on 25 November.

The web-based resources aim to equip engineering students with the ability to conduct energy efficiency assessments, and improve energy performance across major sectors of the Australian economy.

The free and “course-ready” package was developed by a national tertiary team led by QUT’s Dr Cheryl Desha, with involvement from the University’s Science and Engineering Faculty and other university partners including the University of Adelaide, University of Wollongong, Victoria University, Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology.

According to Dr Desha, energy efficiency provides an immediate, simple and cost-effective way to manage rising energy costs, and reduce greenhouse gas emissions across the nation.

"These new resources will boost the ability of tertiary institutions to give engineering undergraduates the most up-to-date knowledge and skills in identifying, evaluating and implementing energy efficiency opportunities,” said Dr Desha.

The package includes 10 videos and supporting flat-pack lecture and tutorial notes, two deep dive case studies and a virtual experience 3D model through a commercial building.

The resources are designed to be spliced into existing lecture material, while the virtual reality components allow students to navigate work-sites and conduct energy efficiency assessments from the comfort of their own home, office, or classroom.

The $460,000 EEERE project was funded by the Australian Government, and supported by Engineers Australia, the Australasian Association of Engineering Education, Australian Council of Engineering Deans, Australian Sustainable Built Environment Council, Australian Power Institute, and Mining Education Australia.

The project will help the industry deal with the skills shortage, identified in 2009 by the GHD Report for Long Term Training Strategy for the Development of Energy Efficiency Assessment Skills. The reported found skills gaps and shortages in key areas of energy efficiency assessment within the largest energy using companies and the consultancy industry which services them.

The skills gaps related to: energy data collection and analysis; the selection and use of metering and monitoring equipment; the development of business cases for energy efficiency projects; the ability to integrate energy efficiency findings into cross business operational plans and practices.

The report found the skills gaps were not limited to a lack of formal qualifications, but also related to a lack of specialised knowledge, skills and experience needed to adapt to new technology and new methods of working.

"This is the first time this level of funding and collaboration has occurred to develop online open-access resources in education for sustainable development," Dr Desha said.

"The energy efficiency education resources are a huge achievement, demonstrating what is possible for the future in capacity building for sustainable development.”