Volunteers are imperative for the smooth running of all not-for-profit organisations and Engineers Australia is no exception. We see our volunteers as an essential part of our organisation. Without their skills, passion, personal qualities and gracious professionalism, we couldn’t deliver the range of projects and activities that we do.
Currently we have more than 2500 volunteers who act as ambassadors for Engineers Australia and for the profession, contributing their time in various ways, including:
- Supporting the profession by engaging with industry, government, academia, media and the wider community.
- Providing subject matter expertise to specific projects as required.
- Serving on volunteer committees and college boards.
- Inspiring the next generation of engineers by promoting engineering as a career to students and young engineers.
- Promoting diversity and inclusion in the profession.
- Working with our team of professionals to develop and deliver continuing professional development and networking events.
Why volunteer?
Australia is facing an engineering skills shortage so the involvement of our volunteers in promoting the profession to young people and to the wider community fulfills an important part of our STEM strategy.
As engineers, we understand the transformative impact that engineering has on society and in our communities. As a volunteer, you have the opportunity to convey your understanding of the importance of great engineering and create a real impact on others.
Helping others by volunteering is also a great way to develop your own skills, knowledge and experience. When you volunteer with Engineers Australia you’ll experience our vibrant and diverse volunteer community and work with Engineers Australia staff on our common goal to amplify engineering.
It’s easy to get involved. Explore how and start giving back today.
Essential reading for volunteers
Volunteering for Engineers Australia means that you become an office bearer and must abide by specific guidelines.
In addition to our introduction to volunteering, you'll need to read:
- Royal Charter and By-Laws
- General Regulations – including the Officer Bearer Code of Conduct
- Code of Ethics
- Spokespersons policy
- Conflict of interest policy
- Privacy policy
Links to all member policies and procedures are stored in the professional standards library.
Office bearer and volunteer hub
Our volunteers have access to a dedicated online community where they can share knowledge, connect with each other and access a wide range of resources and updates from the Engineers Australia team.
If you already volunteer with Engineers Australia or are looking to get involved, we encourage you to join the community and keep visiting to see what’s new.
Contact us to learn more about volunteering and how you can channel your passion for engineering by shaping the future of the profession.
Before you get started, download our guide to volunteering at Engineers Australia. It'll help you understand more about our work and your role in supporting and promoting the engineering profession in your volunteer work.

High school STEM toolkit: brochure
Shape the future by solving problems – learn where engineering could take you.

High school STEM toolkit: detailed presentation
Use this detailed presentation to help you teach high school students about how they can help shape the future with a career in STEM.

High school STEM toolkit: detailed presentation notes
Use these detailed presentation notes with the detailed presentation when you present to high school students about the benefits of a career in STEM.

High school STEM toolkit: poster
Use this poster when teaching high school students about how they can help shape the future with a career in STEM.