Water engineering is focused on surface water hydrology, hydraulics, water quality, water sensitive urban design and water resources. The National Committee of Water Engineering (NCWE) is a committee of the Civil College and serves as a point of reference for members, local water panels and affiliated international organisations.
The key objectives of the NCWE are to:
- coordinate water engineering conferences, workshops and training
- publish the Australasian journal of water resources
- support the practice of hydrology through local Engineers Australia panels
- promote engineering excellence and acknowledge the contribution of individuals to the profession through awards and scholarships.
The NCWE also publishes research, discussion papers, maintains industry guidelines and supports local technical activities.
Email us or call 1300 653 113 if you have any questions about our work.
Current NCWE committee members are:
- Dr Michael Leonard MIEAust – Chair
- Monique Retallick MIEAust – Deputy Chair
- Simon Rodgers MIEAust
- Dr Katherine Daniell MIEAust
- Anthony Gaffney MIEAust
- Dr Fiona Ling FIEAust CPEng NER
- Mardi Medwell-Squier FIEAust CPEng NER
- Julian Orth MIEAust CPEng NER
The NCWE works with Engineers Australia division-based water panels. State and territory representatives are:
- Li Gao – Victoria
- Dr Michael Leonard MIEAust – South Australia
- Julian Orth MIEAust CPEng NER – Northern Territory
- Cara van Megchelen – Queensland
- Nimal Dodampe Gamage – Western Australia
- Fiona Johnson – New South Wales
Contact us at the relevant state office to learn more.
Join EA Exchange to view our technical journals, discussion papers, event materials and publications. You can also network with other engineering community members on this interactive forum.
You can also submit a paper from our Resources page.
Visit our awards page to learn more about NCWE awards.
Code of practice: urban and peri-urban drainage modelling
This code of practice provides advice on urban and peri-urban drainage modelling in a Western Australian context. It provides support for the application of relevant guidance, particularly Australian Rainfall and Runoff and the Stormwater Management Manual for Western Australia, when undertaking urban drainage modelling in support of land use planning decisions in Western Australia.
Developed by the Institute of Public Works Engineering Australia, Stormwater Western Australia and Engineers Australia.