Making our voice heard in the election Thursday, 02 March 2017

Opinion piece written by James Westcott FIEAust CPEng NER, 2017 President Western Australia.

As Western Australia (WA) President for 2017, I am proud to be contributing to Engineers Australia’s success as it continues to connect, grow and innovate in advancing the science and practice of engineering.

2016 was a tough year for the engineering industry – a lot of confidence went out of the resources sector as commodity prices fell and money became tight. Many engineers came off large projects, only to find very limited opportunities in the market place. Work contracts moved increasingly to short-term and part-time arrangements. Students found it difficult to get their 12-week practicum, and graduates struggled to get interviews, let alone jobs. These challenges remain, despite a notable turnaround recently and general sentiment that the worst is behind us.

My call to action is for engineers and the broader engineering profession to work together to improve our professional standing and relevance in the wider community. I believe that Engineers Australia has a pivotal role in facilitating this outcome.

Looking forward, the political scene will be set following the Western Australia State Election on 11 March.  It will either be a third term for the Liberal-led party, or an historic ten-seat swing to bring Labor back into power.

In recent months Engineers Australia has held workshops and consulted with various internal and external stakeholders to formulate Engineers Australia's WA Election Strategy and the following five key election issues:

  • Registration of engineers
  • Energy policy
  • Infrastructure planning
  • STEM futures
  • Chief engineer

Through correspondence and meetings, these have been brought to the attention of both major political parties. We will strive to work closely with the incoming government in driving forward these priorities for the engineering profession. I will provide updates throughout the year.

Ongoing engagement with a broad range of stakeholders on matters that affect the engineering profession provides the opportunity for engineers to make meaningful contributions and be the “Voice of the Profession”. Our members look to Engineers Australia to provide this level of leadership and advocacy.

I would also like to take this opportunity to thank the 2016 WA President, Jason Flowerdew, General Manager Susan Kreemer Pickford and her team, and particularly to note the continued hard work of our hundreds of volunteers on the 30+ committees, working groups and assessment panels. I welcome the new Division Committee who came together at the end of last year to develop the forward plan for 2017.

It is my plan for these regular President’sarticles to be both informative and reflective. I am eager to hear from you in regards to meeting your needs as a member and matters that you feel Engineers Australia should be addressing.

You can contact me directly at [email protected].