Professional standards library

Our professional standards library includes downloadable copies of the areas of practice, areas of engineering and member policies. 
Also included is information about assessment types and copies of the assessment competencies.

Use these documents for Chartered assessment.

Areas of practice

Orange with document symbol
Engineers Australia | July 2022

Subsea engineering

Subsea engineering deals with the design, construction, installation, operation, maintenance and decommissioning of equipment in the ocean or on the seabed.

Orange with document symbol
Engineers Australia | May 2023

Systems engineering

Systems engineering deals with the interdisciplinary approach and means to enable the realisation of successful systems.  

Use these documents for NER or state registration assessment.

Areas of engineering

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Competency assessments are used to ensure engineering professionals who want to work within Australia meet the benchmarked qualifications and competency standards to practise.

Engineers Australia uses two sets of competency standards per occupational category. Each one is used for a different purpose.

Entry to practice

Entry to practice assessments (sometimes called stage 1) are used to assess some membership applications and some migrant skills assessment applications.

If you need to complete an entry to practice competency assessment, you’ll be assessed against the entry to practice competencies for your occupational category.

Download the entry to practice competency assessment documents for:

Independent practice

If you want to apply for a Chartered or NER credential you’ll be assessed using an independent practice assessment (sometimes called stage 2). You’ll be assessed against the 16 elements of competency that are related to your occupational category. These sit across four core areas:

  1. Personal commitment.
  2. Obligation to community.
  3. Value in workplace.
  4. Technical proficiency.

Download the independent practice competency assessment documents for:

If you have any questions about competency assessments or applications for migration skills assessment, Chartered or NER please contact us.

Member policies

No publications found.

Use the approval process diagram below with the relevant accreditation management system (AMS) documents in the library to have engineering courses accredited. If you have any questions about using the AMS please contact us. Click the image to enlarge, or download a PDF version.


Accreditation management system

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