ITEE College Chair Column - Monitor: June 2017 Friday, 09 June 2017

Dear colleagues

Being committed to making its work visible, transparent and relevant to the needs of its stakeholders, the ITEE College Board recently sent out a survey to seek feedback from members.

The College Board is reviewing the results of the survey and will develop recommendations for implementation which will be communicated to members through their ITEE Branch Committee shortly. Our thanks to everyone who completed the survey.

Our thanks go to ITEE College Board member Catherine Nicholson for her hard work on the survey and I am pleased to be able to provide you with a short summary of the results below.

Survey Results for Monitor

ITEE Monitor is published six times a year, every two months. Each edition of Monitor is opened by just over 2000 people, out of a college membership of around 7600. That’s around one in three members which is a great result given the pace of life these days.

The majority of survey respondents told us that they like receiving Monitor and more than 50% of people (who had read at least one edition of Monitor) said that they usually read three or more articles from the newsletter. The average number of articles read by 19% of these members was more than five; 35% of members read three to four articles in Monitor; and 44% read at least one to two stories.

Those who like receiving Monitor told us that they were most interested in reading about ITEE-related topics in research and industry. Several members suggested we should include more case studies and analytical reports on cybersecurity, IoT and how research is being applied in industry.

In the survey, we suggested a number of general areas of interest and asked members to rate how interested they would be to read articles in Monitor on these topics:

  • ITEE-related research
  • ITEE-related industry
  • International developments in ITEE areas
  • Technology within government and the public service
  • EA, College and joint association (IET/IEEE) events
  • Education (tertiary and/or school-aged)
  • EA and College Awards.

College members who responded showed a high level of interest in research, industry and international topics, with less interest in EA and College Awards news. This was also reflected in individual comments by members, many of whom asked us to focus on specific areas like IoT and telecommunications.

The ITEE College Board understands there is always room for improvement, so we will use your feedback when planning future editions of Monitor. To everyone who responded, thank you for your time and input.

Dr Ljubo Vlacic FIEAust CPEng RPEQ NER