Nanotechnology engineering breakthrough enables targeted brain treatment Wednesday, 13 January 2016

A new development in nanotechnology engineering could change the way cancers and brain diseases are treated in the future.

Biophotonics, nanotechnology and medical biotechnology expert, Professor Dayong Jin, from the University of Technology Sydney, worked with his co-authors from the ARC Centre of Excellence for Nanoscale Biophotonics ad Macquarie University, the University of Wollongong, and the National University of Singapore, to discover nanocrystals that could be a potential new vehicle for targeted drug delivery.

While there are currently drugs that can treat brain diseases, the blood brain barrier, which protects the brain from infections, makes it difficult for drugs to penetrate into the brain and target neurological diseases. Instead, the drug circulates in the blood system without much effect.

Similar issues face the treatment of cancer, Professor Jin explained. Current approaches to treatment for cancer require the application of radiation and chemical drugs, which kill both the cancer cells and the healthy cells.

“We need to find a new vehicle for drug delivery that allows the healthy cell and blood brain barrier to recognise the drug as a ‘friend’ and not an ‘enemy’,” he said.

Over the past three years, the research team has undertaken over 800 synthesis experiments, resulting in a library of 800 different choices of new shaped nanocrystals formed from ordered atom clusters. These hybrid nanocrystals, with their unique shapes, become new tools and potential vehicles for targeted drug delivery.

Besides their role as drug delivery vehicles, these nanocrystals can be engineered to undertake different tasks that could lead to medical benefits like clearer diagnostic bio-imaging through MRI scans and x-rays.

“Hybrid nanocrystals are multifunctional and able to do different things simultaneously,” Professor Jin said.

“For example, one can design a super nanoparticle that has optical, magnetic and chemical responses which allows for multiple molality imaging of the disease and [eventually] super high resolution images.”

The precision in diagnostics would further help with the treatment of diseases like cancer, as the operating surgeon would have a clearer picture of where the tumour is. As the resolution increases, the surgeon may be able to see the precise boundary between healthy and tumour cells, allowing more accurate treatment.

With their ability to precisely control the shapes and sizes of the nanoparticles, the researchers are now investigating how they could be used to transport drugs within the body. Professor Jin acknowledges the complexity of the problem.

“The “life machine” is very complicated. We can say that we have the tool, but how to use that tool to do the right job, we still don’t know,” Professor Jin explained.

“We now have the manufacturing capability, but we need to customise our design synthesis to be more aligned with the application.”