Chartered for 5-15 years' experience

Learn about the competency assessment to apply for Chartered.

If you have between five and 15 years’ post-graduate engineering experience, follow the process outlined here, also known as the standard pathway, to apply for your Chartered credential.

If you have more than 15 years’ postgraduate experience, the application process is more streamlined. Learn more about applying for Chartered with 15+ years’ experience.

If you aren’t eligible to apply for Chartered yet, follow the steps laid out on the Chartered page for under five years’ experience and make the next few years count.

Assessment process

Applying for Chartered involves an online and offline process. You’ll need to complete an online self-assessment and then assign industry reviewers of your choice to provide feedback on your skills and abilities.

The assessment also includes providing samples of the work you’ve completed to support your application. Your skills are then assessed against industry benchmarks for technical, management and communication skills.

The process concludes with a professional interview with one of our assessors.

How to apply

Follow these steps to apply for your Chartered credential:

Login to the member portal and take the online self-assessment.

Firstly you’ll need to nominate your occupational category and area of practice or specialisation. You can nominate more than one area of practice. However an area of practice should be the purpose of and the bulk of your work, not an activity or project that’s incidental to your main work.

As you complete the self-assessment, reflect on your career and past work and rate your abilities for each aspect of practice at one of four levels:

Developing – you’re learning and need supervision to practise at an acceptable standard.

Functional – you can act independently at an acceptable standard without help or supervision.

Proficient – your ability to act independently is at a high standard and you can train and supervise others.

Advanced – you can lead teams, train others and act decisively from experience and a very high knowledge base.

Watch a short video about completing the self-assessment.

Follow the steps at the end of your online self-assessment to create an industry review login and complete the industry review.

At this point you’ll need to confirm your area of practice. You can nominate up to three areas of practice only.

Write brief statement of evidence

Think about the projects and work activities you’ve done and the documentation you have to support your self-assessment ratings across the competencies for independent practice aligned to your occupational category.

For each of the competency elements in the industry review, write a brief statement to explain how your evidence demonstrates the particular competency.

Assign industry reviewers

Next, follow the steps to create and assign your reviewers. Your reviewers should ideally be Chartered members of Engineers Australia or an engineering team member with more than seven years’ engineering experience. They should also:

  • know you and the work you’ve done
  • be in the same area of practice as you
  • be willing and able to provide a review based on their knowledge of you.

Tell your reviewers what you’re doing so they expect your review request and know what they need to do. Keep an eye on things and follow-up if you haven’t received a response or if you want to discuss the results.

Watch a short video about the industry review process.

When your industry reviewers have completed their reviews you’ll receive a notification and link to continue to the enrolment stage in the portal. At this point, you’ll also need to have your credit card ready to cover the fee.

Follow the steps to upload and submit:

  • your photo identification
  • a detailed CV
  • records of your continuing professional development (CPD). To qualify for Chartered you must be able to provide evidence that you've been undertaking appropriate and adequate CPD. These requirements are separate from those you'll need to meet as a Chartered member. 

Watch a short video about what you’ll need to enrol.

Once you’ve completed your enrolment, the pre-assessment team will review your submission. 

They'll assess your suitability for assessment by checking your relevant years of engineering experience, adequacy of your CV, CPD and the extent and detail of your self-assessment ratings and comments, including the comments from your industry reviewers. They will also confirm the details provided for your industry reviewers. 

They’ll let you know if you need to provide anything else.

If you meet the initial requirements, you’ll receive an email invitation for an assessment interview.

Your assessment interview will be held via video call. During the interview, you’ll be required to discuss some of your recent engineering work.  

You’ll need to share work documents on screen and discuss how these documents demonstrate your ability to practise competently and independently. Work documents could include photographs, drawings, reports and other documents as appropriate. 

You will need to prepare all materials prior to the interview and be ready to share them on-screen during the call. Slide presentations are not permitted. 

The interview takes approximately one hour. It is where your competencies as a Chartered engineer will be assessed, so make sure you prepare and provide as much evidence as appropriate.

If you don’t satisfy the criteria for becoming Chartered during your interview, your assessor may consider taking further actions before deciding on your outcome, including:

  • asking you to provide further information or documentary evidence
  • giving you an assignment
  • conducting referee checks
  • asking you for a second interview
  • putting your application on hold until you’ve gained the necessary experience. 

Application outcome

The assessor may tell you the outcome of your Chartered application at the end of the interview, but generally you’ll receive a confirmation email in the member portal after the interview.

If your Chartered application is successful, you’ll also receive your official Chartered certificate in the mail soon after.

If you don’t pass the assessment, you can apply for a review within three months or an appeal within six months. Fees apply for review and appeal.


Once you’ve qualified for a Chartered credential, you’ll be able to use a post-nominal after your name. Depending on your occupational category, you’ll gain one of the following post-nominals:

  • Chartered Professional Engineer (CPEng)
  • Chartered Technologist (CEngT) or
  • Chartered Associate (CEngA)

Gain recognition

In addition to post-nominals, you can share your Chartered credential as a digital badge to showcase your achievement.

By representing your credential with a verified digital badge, you can demonstrate your professional capability to employers, prospective clients and peers.  

The Chartered digital badge is delivered through Credly’s Acclaim platform.

You will receive an email from [email protected]

  1. Click the button in the email to accept your badge.  
  2. Create a free account on the Acclaim website. 
  3. Claim your badge. 
  4. Upload to your professional social media accounts, use in your email signature, online proposals and digital CV. 


All prices include GST. 

The fee to apply for Chartered is $2045.

If your membership has lapsed, there is a readmission application fee:

  • One to five years: $310.20
  • More than five years: $430.50

To add an additional area of practice the fee is $380.


Ready to apply?

Start the process to get Chartered now.


If you have any questions about credentials or membership, contact us.