Society for Engineering in Agriculture

The Society for Engineering in Agriculture (SEAg) is a technical society that promotes and supports the practice of engineering in agriculture.

Our aims are to:

  • Improve communication among people with an interest in engineering in agriculture.
  • Extend appropriate technical information to SEAg members and others involved in agriculture.
  • Raise awareness of the role of engineering in agriculture. 

SEAg was originally known as the Agricultural Engineering Society (Australia) and was formed in the early 1950s. Its purpose is to promote and support engineering in agriculture and to serve as a forum for engineers with an interest in farm mechanisation and agricultural engineering. 

Our activities include publication of the bi-monthly journal Leading Edge and a SEAg conference every two years. We have branches in Queensland, South Australia, Tasmania, Victoria and WA. Each branch also arranges their own meetings, seminars and events.

Leading Edge provides local and international news about engineering in agriculture and precision agriculture and appears as a feature insert in three rural magazines – Australian Grain, Australian Sugarcane and Australian Cotton. 

To learn more about SEAg email one of our branch representatives directly:


Guangnan Chen (University of Southern Queensland) 

Gary Alcorn (Leading Edge Editor)


Richard Williams (DPI Victoria)

South Australia

Thomas Banhazi (SARDI)

Western Australia

Glen Reithmuller (Agriculture WA)


John McPhee (DPIWE)


SEAg membership is open to anyone interested in engineering in agriculture including scientists, farmers, surveyors, technical officers, engineers, manufacturers, distributors and processors. Formal qualifications aren’t necessary and overseas members are welcome.

SEAg members can receive any one of the three publications that contain Leading Edge. Members can also have peer reviewed papers published in the CIGR Journal of Agricultural Engineering Scientific Research and Development.

Contact CIGR International Commission of Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering directly for more information.


SEAg membership fees are paid on a financial year basis:

  • Student $10
  • Member $20
  • Retired $10

To join SEAg, login or create an account in the member portal. Once you’re logged in, click on the products and services tab then click Join on the Technical Society Membership tile and follow the prompts.

Engage with us

Join EA Exchange to view all SEAg technical and conference materials. You can also network with other technical society members on this interactive forum.