| 11 September 2018

Victorian public safety in the balance with political debate on engineering regulation

With political self-interest at risk of derailing critical community safety measures, Engineers Australia is calling on the Victorian Parliament to urgently debate legislation on engineering regulation.

Engineers Australia’s Victorian President Alesha Printz says right now, anybody in Victoria can call themselves an engineer with little accountability.

“There’s no regulatory scheme to enforce the industry’s safety and quality standards that the community rightly expects.

“Regulation of the engineering profession would make sure rogue engineers are weeded out.  Currently in Victoria, skilled tradespeople have to be licensed but the engineers who supervise them don’t,” Ms Printz said.

Despite earlier assurances from Opposition Leader Matthew Guy that his party would support the Engineering Registration Bill, Liberal MPs have reportedly been told to kill the bill.

“Engineers Australia respects the right of the state Opposition to vote against the registration bill.

“Despite promising to support engineering regulation, the Opposition may have their own valid political reasons for backing down on this commitment at the last minute.

“This bill isn’t about politics, it’s about stopping shonky building and infrastructure.

“The recent catastrophic bridge collapse in Italy shows us that shonky infrastructure puts lives at risk.  Innocent people lost their lives.  It’s reckless to stand between any measure that lifts engineering standards and accountability,” Ms Printz said.

With only two weeks of Parliamentary sittings before the election – Engineers Australia believes any attempt to stall debate of this legislation is blatantly political.

“Our 20,000 Victorian members overwhelmingly support registration for their profession.  This isn’t about red tape or regulation.  This is about putting public safety first and political self-interest second.

“Engineers Australia calls on the Victorian Parliament to treat this seriously and bring on a vote now.  Anything else is just playing politics with public safety,” Ms Printz said.

Media: Catherine Garrett: 0467 003 866