There is now only ten days left for civil and structural engineers practising in Victoria to lodge applications for registration.
Victorian engineering registration is a two-step process and applications for the second step (to the Victorian Government’s Business Licencing Authority) are due by 1 October 2022.
Step one: obtain an outcome report or an email confirmation of your application for assessment from an assessment entity
If you are a professional engineer, and an Engineers Australia member with Chartered or NER credentials, you don’t need another assessment to receive an outcome report from Engineers Australia if your Chartered or NER AoP (Area of Practice) matches your requested Victorian registration AoE (Area of Engineering).
You can download your outcome report from the Engineers Australia Member Portal.
If you work in the building industry and require a building endorsement, you will need to complete an assessment by submitting this form and providing the requested information.
The Business Licensing Authority has advised you can submit an email confirmation of your application for assessment for Victorian state registration if your assessment outcome report is not yet available by the 1 October deadline.
Step two: apply for registration with the Business Licensing Authority (BLA)
Once you have obtained your outcome report, or email confirmation of your application for assessment, applications for registration must be lodged online through the Consumer Affairs Victoria portal, myCAV.
Civil or structural engineers will need to have lodged an application, even if the application is incomplete, with the BLA to continue practicing in Victoria after 1 October.
If you have not lodged your application for registration by 1 October, you will either need to work under the direct supervision of a registered engineer or only work in accordance with a prescriptive standard in order to not commit an offence under the legislation.
For more information on the registration process and requirements visit our Victorian registration information page.