| 18 August 2023

Engineers Australia’s Young Professional Engineer of the year visits Queensland schools

Electrical engineer Deanna Hood has worked in educational robotics, renewable energy, medical robotics and accessibility technology in her 13-year career. She took that expertise, and her engineering enthusiasm, on a trip across Queensland high schools to inspire the next generation of problem solvers. 

Deanna met with more than 400 students in years seven to 12 at five Queensland schools. She created tailored presentations for different age groups and allowed students to get involved in her lectures by choosing which stories they wanted to hear from her.   

Deanna finessed her pitch to students having now done multiple presentations through various engagements for non-profits. She has also recently established a TikTok account showing her life as an engineer.  

Deanna shared her global engineering achievements and highlighted the importance of courage and curiosity. Her message encouraged students to explore diverse pathways in engineering. 

Engineers Australia Queensland General Manager Stacey Rawlings says inspiring talks from passionate engineers like Deanna are so important for students.  

“We know that students harbour misconceptions about what engineering is, and the many different types of engineering. So, when engineers like Deanna visit schools and can explain to students what the possibilities of an engineering career are, it opens their eyes,” she says. 

Our 2023 submission to the Australian Governments Diversity in STEM review stated that more needs to be done to promote engineering and solve the shortage of skills currently impacting our workforce.  

The submission specifically pointed out that ‘early interventions are essential to inspire younger generations and that outreach prior to senior high school should focus on introducing engineering as an exciting and fulfilling career.’ 

“Deanna was able to engage the students in conversation around the importance of hard work in maths and programming subjects but also about the joy of working on projects that improve society and help others,” Ms Rawlings said. 

“She was able to give personal examples from her career and how she overcomes fear to get out of her comfort zone and try new things in her engineering work.” 

Each of the schools suggested Deanna’s presentations were valuable and inspirational for the students. 

If you would like to get involved in Engineers Australia’s many school outreach initiatives in Queensland please complete our expression of interest form