Publication library

aqua background with navy document symbol
Engineers Australia | September 2023

Universities Accord Interim Report submission

Engineers Australia suggests three priorities for action by Government to improve the pipeline of Australian engineers.

aqua background with navy document symbol
Engineers Australia | August 2023

Engineering an AI framework for schools

Engineers Australia advocates for a balanced approach to the regulation and use of AI, to allow the benefits to be harnessed while safeguarding professionals, educators, students and the community.

Submission paper with light blue background red text and a red cube in the middle
Engineers Australia | May 2023

University sector review panel discussion paper WA

Engineers Australia believes there is an opportunity for significant benefit through increased collaboration between university and industry.

Light blue background with red text and a red cube
Engineers Australia | April 2023

Submission to the Australian Universities Accord

Engineers Australia's submission to the Australian Universities Accord, Aligning education with Australia's national interests, highlights the importance of engineers in our current and future workforce. We outline the significance of higher education in developing engineers to support Australia's sovereign capability and prosperity. 

Future of transport paper cover featuring red text and an image of a highway in the middle of high rise buildings
Engineers Australia | January 2023

The future of transport discussion paper

With contributions from future of transport working group members this paper discusses pathways to a sustainable, decarbonised transport network including looking at transport though a systems view and enabling greater collaboration for project planning and funding.

Cover of Engineers Australia's 2023 Budget submission with blue background and red cube in the middle
Engineers Australia | January 2023

Engineers Australia's Budget submission 2023

Engineers Australia advocates for skills, nationally consistent registration, engineering led climate action, a reliable energy transition and support for innovation in the 2023 Federal Budget. 

Thumbnail cover image of publication
Engineers Australia | October 2021

Energy governance and the engineering voice

Barriers to employment for migrant engineers cover
Engineers Australia | October 2021

Barriers to employment for migrant engineers

Overseas-born engineers make up over 58 per cent of Australia’s engineering workforce but are significantly more likely than their Australian-born counterparts to be unemployed. To find out why and identify how to overcome the barriers to employment these engineers face, Engineers Australia commissioned research to identify potential barriers to employment.

Pale red background with document symbol
Engineers Australia | May 2021

AMS-MAN-11 Procedures manual for higher education

This manual sets out the process and procedures you'll need to follow to have your higher education (tertiary) institution's courses accredited with Engineers Australia.

Engineering and the Australian curriculum cover
Engineers Australia | March 2021

Engineering in the Australian curriculum F-Year 10 and Senior Secondary

There is no discrete definition of engineering or engineering capabilities in the Australian curriculum, unlike mathematics, science and technology. Rather, for foundation to year 10, engineering is addressed primarily across three learning areas: science, technologies and mathematics and through a specific focus on engineering principles and systems in the design and technologies strand within technologies learning area.

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We work with publishing house Taylor & Francis to publish technical journals and encourage members to submit their own papers.

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