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Aqua background with document symbol
Engineers Australia | March 2024

National Skills Passport submission

Engineers Australia’s submission provides feedback on the key principles developed by the Department of Education, focusing on how a National Skills Passport would impact the engineering industry.

aqua background with navy document symbol
Engineers Australia | February 2023

Safeguard Mechanism Reforms position paper

Engineers Australia provides feedback on the proposed Safeguard Mechanism reforms. Engineers Australia urges the government to consider all climate reforms, including these SGM reforms, within a context of engineering-led actions and responses.

Engineering skills supply and demand
Engineers Australia | March 2022

Engineering skills: supply and demand

This discussion paper is designed to provide a broad view of the situation Australia is facing in relation to the supply and demand for engineering skills. It is a resource to prompt thought and discussion.

Enhancing productivity in infrastructure delivery policy directions paper
Engineers Australia | March 2022

Enhancing productivity in infrastructure delivery

This document provides recommendations for implementation by Australian governments, in collaboration with industry and academia, to increase productivity in the infrastructure sector and to determine how engineers can best contribute to these aspirations. 

Increasing womens participation in engineering education cover
Engineering for Australia Taskforce | March 2022

Increasing women's participation in engineering education: actions for change

Engineering should be as diverse as the people it serves. For all Australian workplaces, diversity is good for culture and outcomes. Businesses thrive with a mix of ideas and views from people with different backgrounds and experiences. This paper explores actions for change. 

Engineering our future cover
Engineers Australia | March 2022

Engineering our future: South Australian election 2022

With many of the challenges facing Australia requiring an engineering solution, we need a re-think of our workforce to support engineers delivering on the big ideas and creating a more secure and resilient nation. This documents outlines our recommendations leading up to the 2022 South Australian election. 

Australia's skilled migration program submission
Engineers Australia | March 2021

Australia's skilled migration program

In this submission, Engineers Australia demonstrates that demand for engineers in Australia will always outstrip supply from domestic entry level graduates. A skilled migration program will, therefore, always be needed.

aqua background with navy document symbol
Engineers Australia | March 2021

National Water Reform Draft Report

This letter builds on our August 2020 submission to the Productivity Commission’s National Water Reform Issues Paper, and highlights areas of strength and weakness from the Draft relative to our previous submission.

Barriers to participation in the workforce cover
Engineering for Australia Taskforce | March 2021

Barriers to participation in engineering and the value of interventions to improve diversity

Despite considerable effort, there is still much to be done to improve girls’ participation in STEM education and careers. The Engineering for Australia Taskforce has appreciated the need to act based on four issues they have identified. This paper reviews the international research literature that not only focuses on barriers to girls’ participation in engineering, but more importantly focuses on the value of interventions to improve diverse participation in engineering.

Cover of Australia's engineering capability
Engineers Australia | February 2019

Australia’s engineering capability: how the last ten years will influence the future

This report analyses and presents statistics describing the characteristics and size of Australia’s engineering profession over the period 2006 to 2016. It is the first report covering the three population censuses over the boom and bust cycle during these years.

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