Publication library

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Engineers Australia | April 2023

Submission to the Australian Universities Accord

Engineers Australia's submission to the Australian Universities Accord, Aligning education with Australia's national interests, highlights the importance of engineers in our current and future workforce. We outline the significance of higher education in developing engineers to support Australia's sovereign capability and prosperity. 

Cover of our submission to Insurance laws NSW
November 2022

The issue with insurance requirements for engineers Engineers Australia submission – NSW Reforming Building Laws

This paper clarifies the reasons why Engineers Australia does not support some of the existing provisions in the Design and Building Practitioners Act, proposed provisions in the Building Bill, and suggests an alternative way forward for the NSW Government.

Cover of our submission to NSW building laws
November 2022

Registration of Engineers in NSW Engineers Australia NSW Reforming Building Laws submission

This document provides Engineers Australia’s feedback to the proposed Building Bill 2022, specifically in relation to the registration of professional engineers. This should be read in conjunction with Engineers Australia’s NSW Reforming Building Laws submission and The issue with insurance requirements for engineers submission.

Cover of Engineers Australia's submission to the productivity commission
Engineers Australia | October 2022

Engineering Australia’s productivity

This submission puts forward three areas which should be considered by the Productivity Commission in their review on ways Australia can improve productivity into the future.

aqua background with navy document symbol
Engineers Australia | April 2022

Commercialisation of engineering innovation

Despite having one of the world’s most educated and wealthy populations, Australia remains a chronic underperformer when it comes to the commercialisation of engineering innovation.

Thumbnail cover image of publication
Engineers Australia | October 2021

Energy governance and the engineering voice

Barriers to employment for migrant engineers cover
Engineers Australia | October 2021

Barriers to employment for migrant engineers

Overseas-born engineers make up over 58 per cent of Australia’s engineering workforce but are significantly more likely than their Australian-born counterparts to be unemployed. To find out why and identify how to overcome the barriers to employment these engineers face, Engineers Australia commissioned research to identify potential barriers to employment.

Publication cover
Engineers Australia | April 2020

Australia's next generation of engineers: university statistics for engineering

This report presents Australian higher education statistics for engineering to 2018, focusing on the contribution of engineering education to increasing the national supply of engineers. It also provides detailed statistics for each state and territory and a discussion about the distribution of course commencements and completions between them.

Cover of 2017 SOL
Engineers Australia | November 2016

Skilled Occupation List, review for 2017-2018

Engineers Australia believes that all engineering occupations that are currently on the SOL should be retained and this submission is prepared on that basis. The pro-forma on-line questionnaire unduly limits the interests of peak organisations like Engineers Australia in this regard.

Cover of Registration of engineers in Victoria
Engineers Australia | October 2016

A Statutory Registration Scheme for Victorian Engineers

Engineers Australia would like to thank the Victorian Government for their leadership in advancing registration of engineers in Australia. Engineering is one of the few professions in Australia without a national approach to registration to ensure the qualifications and experience of all practitioners, both national and international, is at the appropriate level for the engineering service delivered.

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