Publication library

Grey background with red title, reading 'Draft standard AS 7531 rolling stock lighting and visibility', with red brackets around it
Transport Australia Society | October 2023

Engineers Australia and Transport Australia society submission train lighting and visibility

Engineers Australia and the Transport Australia society have co-authored this submission with the aim to improve safety on road and railways for all Australians.

Future of rail transport cover
Transport Australia Society | March 2022

Future of rail transport

This paper calls for increased use of rail in Australia’s land transport system. It aims to enable policy makers, delivery agencies, investors, operators and the public to better understand the land transport situation and scenarios where rail can play a larger role, develop strong visions for national land transport effectiveness and mobility goals, and establish timelines for delivering major changes in our national mobility systems.

Cover of Western Sydney rail needs
Engineers Australia | October 2016

Western Sydney Rail Needs Scoping Study

Engineers Australia strongly believes that infrastructure is the essential enabler of productivity growth and it is essential to preserve and improve our standards of living. It should be fit for purpose and the flow of these services should stay ahead of population and economic growth.

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