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Annual report 2020-2021 cover
Engineers Australia | November 2021

Annual report 2020-2021

This annual report on Engineers Australia’s achievements and challenges for 2020–21 aims to inform members of measurable progress against our strategic priorities, ensure transparent and responsible reporting for governance best practice, summarise the main activities and financial performance of our organisation, and inform stakeholders, partners, media and government of our focus. 

Thumbnail cover image of publication
Engineers Australia | October 2021

Energy governance and the engineering voice

Pale red background with document symbol
Engineers Australia | October 2021

Our position on climate change

Engineers Australia recognises the scale and urgency of the challenges presented by climate change, the disruptions it causes, and the pivotal role of engineering in enabling a socially just transition to a sustainable society.

Annual report 2019-2022 cover
Engineers Australia | November 2020

Annual report 2019-2020

This annual report provides comprehensive information on our achievements for the 2019–20 financial year. It aims to inform members of measurable progress against our strategic priorities, ensure transparent and responsible reporting that meets governance best practice, provide members with information about the main activities and financial performance of our organisation, and inform stakeholders, partners, media and government of our areas of focus as the peak body for the engineering profession in Australia. 

Sustainability policy cover
Engineers Australia | November 2014

Sustainability policy

Engineers Australia is committed to working in a way that ensures the long-term survival of life on earth in a fair and equitable way. Our Sustainability Policy covers the principles, guidelines and plan we will work to for the next few years.

Annual report 2013-2014 cover
Engineers Australia | November 2014

Annual report 2013-2014

Engineers Australia’s annual report aims to inform members of measurable progress against annual and long-term goals, ensure transparency in reporting, informed by contemporary approaches to corporate responsibility reporting, give due emphasis to the key sections of the Institution including the Divisions, Colleges and Special Interest Groups, to ensure members are adequately updated on all areas of the organisation, and ensure the annual report process encompasses principal reporting obligations flowing from the Charter and By-Laws for the Board, Congress, Divisions, Colleges and Technical Societies. 

Annual report 2011-2012 cover
Engineers Australia | 2012

Annual report 2011-2012

Summary of key outcomes for Engineers Australia for financial year 2011-2012. 

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