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Professional standards framework cover
Engineers Australia | August 2023

Professional standards framework

The Engineers Australia Professional Standards Framework is the integrated system of policies, processes and resources that guide and support engineers to practice engineering ethically, competently and responsibly. It applies throughout their careers from pre-qualification through to advanced practice and executive management and leadership and is designed to set, uphold and enhance standards that protect the public and build resilience and trust in the profession.

Urban Transport Systems title in red on a grey background. Large red brackets sit around the red title.
Transport Australia Society | August 2023

Urban Transport Systems Report (August 2023)

This paper has been developed by Engineers Australia’s Transport Australia Society (TAs) to provide expert advice to governments, policy makers and other stakeholders with a role in policy, planning, operating and delivery of Australia’s urban transport systems.

Aqua background with document symbol
Engineers Australia | July 2023

Spokespersons policy

In accordance with Engineers Australia’s mission to be recognised as a trusted source of information representing the profession, our spokespersons are expected to follow protocols to ensure consistency across our public messages and communications to protect our reputation and good standing.

Future of transport paper cover featuring red text and an image of a highway in the middle of high rise buildings
Engineers Australia | January 2023

The future of transport discussion paper

With contributions from future of transport working group members this paper discusses pathways to a sustainable, decarbonised transport network including looking at transport though a systems view and enabling greater collaboration for project planning and funding.

Aqua background with document symbol
Engineers Australia | January 2023

Royal Charter and By-laws

Engineers Australia has operated under a Royal Charter since 1938. It also operates under a set of by-laws to ensure appropriate regulation and fair processes for governing boards and members alike.

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We work with publishing house Taylor & Francis to publish technical journals and encourage members to submit their own papers.

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