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Barriers to employment for migrant engineers cover
Engineers Australia | October 2021

Barriers to employment for migrant engineers

Overseas-born engineers make up over 58 per cent of Australia’s engineering workforce but are significantly more likely than their Australian-born counterparts to be unemployed. To find out why and identify how to overcome the barriers to employment these engineers face, Engineers Australia commissioned research to identify potential barriers to employment.

Covid-19 and HVAC cover
Engineers Australia | October 2021

The COVID-19 pandemic and HVAC

This paper is designed to elicit feedback that will inform decisions by Engineers Australia on its potential role regarding improving engineering practice for management of air in the built environment, especially in the context of COVID-19 and future pandemics

Barriers to participation in the workforce cover
Engineering for Australia Taskforce | March 2021

Barriers to participation in engineering and the value of interventions to improve diversity

Despite considerable effort, there is still much to be done to improve girls’ participation in STEM education and careers. The Engineering for Australia Taskforce has appreciated the need to act based on four issues they have identified. This paper reviews the international research literature that not only focuses on barriers to girls’ participation in engineering, but more importantly focuses on the value of interventions to improve diverse participation in engineering.

Engineering and the Australian curriculum cover
Engineers Australia | March 2021

Engineering in the Australian curriculum F-Year 10 and Senior Secondary

There is no discrete definition of engineering or engineering capabilities in the Australian curriculum, unlike mathematics, science and technology. Rather, for foundation to year 10, engineering is addressed primarily across three learning areas: science, technologies and mathematics and through a specific focus on engineering principles and systems in the design and technologies strand within technologies learning area.

Engineers Australia | May 2020

Registration of engineers: a case for statutory registration

Engineers Australia | May 2020

Building confidence: how to use engineers to improve building and construction

Publication cover
Engineers Australia | April 2020

Australia's next generation of engineers: university statistics for engineering

This report presents Australian higher education statistics for engineering to 2018, focusing on the contribution of engineering education to increasing the national supply of engineers. It also provides detailed statistics for each state and territory and a discussion about the distribution of course commencements and completions between them.

Engineers Australia | March 2020

CEO roundtables: COVID-19: busines as unusual

Cover of Engineering responses to climate change roundtable
Engineers Australia | February 2020

Engineering responses to climate change roundtable

Engineers Australia held a climate change roundtable in Sydney on 26 February 2020, attended by many leading industry groups and organisations. This report summarises the major findings and discussions.

Fire safety verification cover
Society of Fire Safety | January 2020

Report on the fire safety verification model

Fire safety engineers from across Australia tested the Fire Safety Verification Method (FSVM) in the 2019 National Construction Code, using six different typical case studies of performance-based designs that were typical of projects being undertaken at the time. They followed the methodology in the FSVM and associated handbook to identify the benefits and disadvantages of this approach. 

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