Publication library

Pale red background with document symbol
Engineers Australia | May 2021

AMS-TPL-312 Engineering school academic staff profile template

Use this template in your accreditation application for higher education (tertiary) engineering courses. Use this with the AMS-MAN-11 procedures manual.
Pale red background with document symbol
Engineers Australia | May 2021

AMS-TPL-313 Staff CV pro forma template

Use this template in your accreditation application for higher education (tertiary) engineering courses. Use this with the AMS-MAN-11 procedures manual.
Pale red background with document symbol
Engineers Australia | May 2021

AMSi-CKL-04 EP Data references for evaluation template

Use this template in your accreditation application for higher education (tertiary) engineering courses. Use this with the AMS-MAN-11 procedures manual.
Guide of the fire safety verification method
Society of Fire Safety | January 2021

Guide on the fire safety verification method

This guide is designed to assist professional fire safety engineers, project certifiers, design teams, approval authorities and stakeholders with the practical and appropriate use of the Fire Safety Verification Method (FSVM) as contained in Schedule 7 of the National Construction Code, Volume 1, Building Code of Australia 2019, Amendment 1 (NCC).

Publication cover
Engineers Australia | April 2020

Australia's next generation of engineers: university statistics for engineering

This report presents Australian higher education statistics for engineering to 2018, focusing on the contribution of engineering education to increasing the national supply of engineers. It also provides detailed statistics for each state and territory and a discussion about the distribution of course commencements and completions between them.

Cover of facade and external wall safety design
Society of Fire Safety | March 2019

Facade and external wall fire safety design

The guide provides a fire risk assessment methodology for suitably qualified and competent professionals to determine the potential hazard of fire spread via the facade of existing buildings. It offers a pathway to deliver a risk assessment appropriate to the situation being assessed and enables a level of safety to be defined, from which the assessment goals can be set and agreed with building stakeholders.

EHA oral history guidelines cover
Engineering Heritage Australia | November 2017

Guidelines for the Engineering Heritage Australia national engineering oral history program

The National Engineering Oral History Program aims to record for posterity in their own voice, the experiences, achievements and observations of significant engineers, provide resources to Division heritage units that may not otherwise be able to afford to undertake oral history, and establish an engineering oral history data base for researchers, biographers, historians, journalists and social scientists.

Practice note cover
Society of Fire Safety | April 2014

Tenability criteria in building fires

This practice note has been prepared as a guide to practitioners on tenability criteria in building fires, for the purpose of enhancing consistency in the fire engineering industry.

Aqua background with document symbol
Engineers Australia | March 2014

CPD types and conditions

CPD can be taken in many ways including formal, structured learning as well as private study. Engineers Australia has conditions around the types of CPD you complete towards your continued membership.

EHA practice note cover
Engineering Heritage Australia | 2014

Evaluation of engineering heritage

The purpose of this practice note is to provide engineers and others with essential background information on the assessment of the engineering heritage significance of an item or work.

Fire life safety cover
Society of Fire Safety | March 2012

Fire and life safety in existing buildings during construction

This practice note provides guidance for the development and implementation of the fire safety strategy where continued occupation of an existing building is permitted while construction or refurbishments works proceed. 

Cover of EHA practice note
Engineering Heritage Australia | 2012

Assessment of engineering heritage items

The purpose of this practice note is to provide engineers and others with a process for assessing engineering heritage significance.

EHA practice note cover
Engineering Heritage Australia | 2012

Conservation of engineering heritage items

Design fires cover
Society of Fire Safety | 2012

Design fires

This practice note is a supplement to the International fire engineering guidelines for fire safety engineers to derive design fires and design fire scenarios in a consistent manner. 

Cover of assessment of moveable heritage
Engineering Heritage Australia | 2012

Assessment and conservation of movable heritage

The purpose of this practice note is to provide engineers and others with essential background information on the assessment and conservation of a movable heritage item.

Cover of conserving steam wheeled engines
Engineering Heritage Australia | 2012

Conserving a wheeled steam engine

The purpose of this practice note is to provide engineers and others with essential background information on the appropriate process for conserving a wheeled steam engine.

Cover of assessment of industrial heritage items
Engineering Heritage Australia | 2012

Assessment and conservation of an industrial heritage item

The purpose of this practice note is to provide engineers and others with essential background information on the assessment and conservation of an industrial heritage item.

Cover of assessment of a timber building
Engineering Heritage Australia | 2012

Assessment and conservation of a timber building

The purpose of this practice note is to provide engineers and others with essential background information on the assessment and conservation of a timber heritage building. 

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