Publication library

Cover of Engineering profession: statistical overview
Engineers Australia | November 2023

The engineering profession: a statistical overview, 15th edition

This report provides high-level insights about the engineering profession for the period 2016–2021. It contains the empirical data required to make decisions to develop an engineering workforce that will be the backbone of a sustainable, safe and energy efficient future.


This edition is complemented by an interactive dashboard which allows you to explore the data. 

Professional standards framework cover
Engineers Australia | August 2023

Professional standards framework

The Engineers Australia Professional Standards Framework is the integrated system of policies, processes and resources that guide and support engineers to practice engineering ethically, competently and responsibly. It applies throughout their careers from pre-qualification through to advanced practice and executive management and leadership and is designed to set, uphold and enhance standards that protect the public and build resilience and trust in the profession.

Aqua background with document symbol
Engineers Australia | July 2023

Spokespersons policy

In accordance with Engineers Australia’s mission to be recognised as a trusted source of information representing the profession, our spokespersons are expected to follow protocols to ensure consistency across our public messages and communications to protect our reputation and good standing.

Cover of Queensland water policy
Engineers Australia | February 2023

Queensland water policy: water governance for a resilient future

Engineers Australia has developed this water policy statement to suggest a way toward a prosperous, sustainable and resilient future.

Aqua background with document symbol
Engineers Australia | January 2023

Royal Charter and By-laws

Engineers Australia has operated under a Royal Charter since 1938. It also operates under a set of by-laws to ensure appropriate regulation and fair processes for governing boards and members alike.

Cover image of handbook
Engineers Australia | September 2022

Office Bearer Handbook 2022

This document is intended to help our office bearers – and those considering volunteering – to understand our requirements and guide them as they work in partnership with other parts of the team to deliver our strategy and goals.

Code of ethics and guidelines on professional conduct
Engineers Australia | August 2022

Code of ethics

The Code of Ethics and Guidelines on Professional Conduct defines the values and principles that shape the decisions made, and provides a framework for members of Engineers Australia to use when exercising their judgment, in engineering practice and as members of Engineers Australia.

Covid-19 and HVAC cover
Engineers Australia | October 2021

The COVID-19 pandemic and HVAC

This paper is designed to elicit feedback that will inform decisions by Engineers Australia on its potential role regarding improving engineering practice for management of air in the built environment, especially in the context of COVID-19 and future pandemics

Engineers Australia | May 2020

Registration of engineers: a case for statutory registration

Engineers Australia | May 2020

Building confidence: how to use engineers to improve building and construction

Publication cover
Engineers Australia | April 2020

Australia's next generation of engineers: university statistics for engineering

This report presents Australian higher education statistics for engineering to 2018, focusing on the contribution of engineering education to increasing the national supply of engineers. It also provides detailed statistics for each state and territory and a discussion about the distribution of course commencements and completions between them.

Engineers Australia | March 2020

CEO roundtables: COVID-19: busines as unusual

Cover of Engineering responses to climate change roundtable
Engineers Australia | February 2020

Engineering responses to climate change roundtable

Engineers Australia held a climate change roundtable in Sydney on 26 February 2020, attended by many leading industry groups and organisations. This report summarises the major findings and discussions.

Fire safety verification cover
Society of Fire Safety | January 2020

Report on the fire safety verification model

Fire safety engineers from across Australia tested the Fire Safety Verification Method (FSVM) in the 2019 National Construction Code, using six different typical case studies of performance-based designs that were typical of projects being undertaken at the time. They followed the methodology in the FSVM and associated handbook to identify the benefits and disadvantages of this approach. 

Aqua background with document symbol
Engineers Australia | December 2019

General Regulations

The Board of the Institution of Engineers Australia (Engineers Australia) has, by resolution, made the  following regulations under By‐Law 32 of the 2015 By‐Laws

Engineers Australia | November 2019

Current infrastructure developments: the decade to 30 June 2019

Aqua background with document symbol
Engineers Australia | October 2019

CPD policy

CPD can be taken in many ways including formal, structured learning as well as private study. Engineers Australia has conditions around the types of CPD you complete towards your continued membership.

CPD policy (PDF)
202.58 KB
Engineering profession statistical overview cover
Engineers Australia | June 2019

The engineering profession: a statistical overview, 14th edition

This report aims to contribute to an understanding of Australia’s engineering profession by compiling statistics about engineers in Australia. The statistical overview fills a gap created by the fragmented nature of Australian official statistics as they relate to specific professions and occupational groups.

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